August 10th Night Ride
Begins at Sag Wagon
5:30p.m. till...TBD
Sign in and get your swag bag at the Sag Wagon. Head south to The Shack at 6pm.
Then on to
Pickle Palace,
The Pedaler's Fork,
Finish: Sag Wagon
Since 1996
IFP Motion Solutions Inc. shall make a sizable donation to the American Diabetes Association in the name of Mike Hoppe and his family.
For many riders this isn't a long ride. However, keep safety in mind.
A helmet is required.
Consider other items like gloves, sunglasses, small bandage kit, cell phone, water, etc.
Megan & Bev Hoppe
"It's not the destination,
it's the ride!"
Mike Hoppe (1967-2013)